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Noor Alfallah: Who is the woman expecting a child with Al Pacino?


He's 83, she's 29. And now she's making him her father again. Who is the woman expecting Al Pacino's fourth child?

Noor Alfallah has been known in the celebrity world for a long time. She is the eldest of four children born to a Kuwaiti businessman and an American mother. Raised in Beverly Hills, she studied at the UCLA School of Film and Television. According to media reports, she now works as a film producer.

The 29-year-old is rumored to have dated some famous men: in 2017 she allegedly had a brief relationship with Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger (79). The couple has often been spotted on romantic dates at restaurants; when the Stones gave a concert in Paris, Noor was also present.

"Our age didn't matter"
Two years later, in an interview, she spoke emotionally about her relationship with Jagger: "Our age didn't matter. The heart doesn't know what it sees, only what it feels. It was my first serious relationship and it was a happy one Time for me."

In 2018 and 2019, Noor Alfallah was in a relationship with art billionaire Nicolas Berggruen (61) and regularly posted intimate photos with him on Instagram. When and why the relationship ended is not known.

She was also said to have a romance with Clint Eastwood (93), but she vigorously denied it: "He's a friend of my family, there's no relationship."

The film producer has been with Al Pacino for a year now, and their baby is due to be born in a few weeks. For the 83-year-old, it's child number four: daughter Julie is 33, twins Olivia and Anton 22. Al Pacino has never been married before.


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Cult in Cannes: Harrison "Indy" Ford one last time as Indiana Jones

Also premiering was "Black Flies," a suspenseful drama about New York paramedics starring Sean Penn and supporting ex-boxer Mike Tyson.

Also in the competition is a rare documentary film from China by one of the genre's masters, Wang Bing. The filmmaker is known for showing a side of Chinese life that outsiders rarely get to see, and his new 210-minute film, Youth (Spring), follows migrant workers in a town near Shanghai.

Documentaries have been doing well at festivals lately: 'All the Beauty and the Bloodshed' (Laura Poitras' film about Big Pharma) won in Venice last year, and 'On the Adamant' - about a day-care center for the mentally ill in Paris - won in Berlin in February.

At Cannes, 21 films compete for the top prize, the Palme d'Or, including several previous winners such as Japanese Hirokazu Kore-eda, German Wim Wenders and two-time British winner Ken Loach.


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Sophie Passmann and Joko Winterscheidt: "We don't follow any concept"

Moderator Joko Winterscheidt (44) and author Sophie Passmann (29) will start the podcast "Sunset Club" from May 18th. This is always audible on Thursdays - wherever there are podcasts. In an interview, the two reveal how the two came up with the idea for the joint project and what the listeners can expect. They also talk about what they admire about each other and what they can learn from each other.

How did the idea of starting a joint podcast come about?
Sophie Passmann: In the long run, the shame of being a celebrity without a podcast is unbearable. Joko and I, we need each other.

Joko Winterscheidt: We saw each other twice in Klaas and I shows and greeted each other in a friendly way in the hallway in front of the recording. It was clear that we would do a podcast together, anything else would be fatal.

How well did you know each other before that?
Passmann: Not good enough to start a podcast together. We then made up for it. We went to dinner for a very long time, it was a fun evening. But we'll tell you all about that in the first episode.

Winterscheidt: So good that I was able to say: Sure, I can send you Sophie's number - if someone asked for it. But only because I knew someone who had her number.

What do you appreciate about each other?
Passman: Simple. Joko is lovable, funny, warm and smart. And I'm sure there are a thousand other things too, but I'm only getting to know them now.

Winterscheidt: Sophie is incredibly quick-witted, so at my age I have to be wide awake. My blood just doesn't flow that fast anymore, so of course I could also take Ilja Rogoff, but I have such a hard time swallowing pills.

They are 29 and 44 years old. How does this affect the podcast?
Passmann: In between, Joko uses words for young people incorrectly, but he knows more about life than I do. Basically, the age difference doesn't play a big role. But I am also an old 29-year-old and he is a young 44-year-old.

What can you learn from each other?
Passmann: I would like to learn the following specific things from Joko: Become popular. Laugh heartily at all jokes. Wearing the same model of glasses for ten years. Bake a fluffy yeast dough. How to keep yourself on TV. Cycle.

Winterscheidt: Sophie has a great deal of knowledge in the world of gourmet food and beverages. With this knowledge I can of course impress my old friends, I just have to be able to remember it.

How did the name "Sunset Club" come about?
Passmann: Just as song lyrics are created for pop music: Many people sit in a room and stammer words to themselves in the hope of finding some that sound good together. There will be surprisingly little about sunsets in the podcast.

Winterscheidt: I think it's good that we're so honest, that's exactly how it was. The hashtag "sunset" is one of the most popular in the world and a club is also great. We sort of combined "best of both worlds" into one podcast name.

What associations do you associate with the term club? What experiences have you had with clubs in any way?
Passmann: As a teenager, I was only once a member of a handball club. Since then I've been longing to finally become a real fan of a football club so that I have something to do on the weekends. Unfortunately, I'm not interested in football at all. The "Sunset Club" is a good compromise.

Winterscheidt: For me, the club is 1. FC Nürnberg, a club that had its greatest successes in the 1920s, and we want to build on that.

You're both very busy. How does a podcast fit into the appointment calendar?
Passmann: My children are old enough to take the Porsche to daycare themselves, so I have more relaxed time in the mornings.

Winterscheidt: I didn't even know you had a Porsche.

They both have podcast experience. Did that help you for the new project?
Passmann: Above all, it helps me not to constantly use the same incredibly tiring filler words, because enough podcasts have already pointed out to me how annoying that is. For example, I used to say "actually" twelve times in each sentence. Didn't appear once in the first episode of "Sunset Club".

Winterscheidt: We don't follow any concept at all, that's good, that's really good for me. We press "Record" and an hour later we press "Stop". In between we discuss Sophie's everyday observations and my burn rate. So everything as always.

The competition in the podcast landscape is fierce...
Passmann: There is no such thing as competition, I've learned that it's called "Dear Competitor". There can never be enough podcasts, just like there can't be enough books and films.

Winterscheidt: We are the new ones, we take a back seat and welcome any advice from the older podcasters out there.

Will there be (celebrity) guests g


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Singer Nino de Angelo: "I want everything but pity"

In the summer of 2022, singer Nino de Angelo (59) announced the end of his career, and in November he announced his resignation via Instagram. What follows: A new album entitled "From eternity to eternity", which will be released on May 12, and his first tour of Germany in the fall. In the new songs, the 59-year-old also processes some of the low points in his life, such as his alcohol and drug addiction.

The "Jenseits von Eden" interpreter still shows up regularly with alcoholic beverages on social media, which worries some fans. "I can stop drinking alcohol, but I can also start drinking again without ending up under the bridge," de Angelo clarifies. The singer is also struggling with the incurable lung disease COPD. He is currently doing well, according to the musician. In an interview with spot on news, Nino de Angelo explains how the illness will affect his upcoming concerts, why he doesn't want to give up his career after all and why he describes three of his four marriages as "unnecessary".

Her new album is titled "From Eternity to Eternity". Why did you choose this name for it?
Nino de Angelo: The new album is called "From Eternity to Eternity" because I'm convinced that the soul lives on forever, it's immortal. I also believe in reincarnation in whatever form.

They relived some low points for the album. What do you regret most today?
De Angelo: Actually, I have no regrets, because you learn from mistakes. Even if it's not always easy to bring back everything you've experienced. Especially the bad moments, that's not so nice. But I'm sure you learn from it.

In the song "My Kryptonite" you make it clear that superheroes also have weak points. What or who have you struggled with the most in your life?
De Angelo: With my desires, with my weaknesses. If you don't have enough mental strength to keep your hands off certain things, even though you know for sure that they harm you - whether it's alcohol, drugs or the wrong people. Being too open to everything usually brings a lot of difficulties. I'll probably struggle with that for the rest of my life.

You also recently spoke about your cocaine addiction. "I just can't get rid of you", you also sing in "My Kryptonite". How did you manage to beat your addiction? Or what do you do to avoid a relapse?
De Angelo: It's a learning process. When you're so inclined and the addiction gene is that strong, it's not easy. You have to take small steps. The more you want everything at once, the greater the risk of relapse. You have to stay on the right path.

You also have a difficult past with alcohol - although you do drink from time to time. Many fans are concerned on Instagram. Can you understand that? What do you say to the partly negative comments?
De Angelo: I've struggled with alcohol in the past. I drink every once in a while, even when the fans are worried and I get bad reviews for it. Although I don't think the negative comments are coming from my fans, but from random people who want to brag and throw in their two cents. You have to be patient with people who are addicted. I can stop drinking alcohol, but I can also start drinking again without ending up under the bridge. I've got it under control. I always have phases when I want to drink something. Especially when I'm writing songs or have to listen deep into myself. If I did it sober, I don't know if this depth would come out in the end. I'm careful and try not to let it get to me.

You announced in an interview in 2022 that this album will be your last. Is your farewell imminent?
De Angelo: In 2022 I announced my last album because I really thought it would be. But I've changed my mind. Because what am I supposed to do when I'm not making music anymore? I am only 59 years old. As long as I can be on stage, my chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) still allows me to sing and pull off my shows, I should keep working. If it becomes difficult for me at some point, then I should retire. Because I want everything but pity. I also think it's a shame that so many people are speculating about my life expectancy. At some point I said that I don't expect a long life expectancy. By that I mean 90 years. I don't know if I'll be 80. If I can live another ten years, I will be very grateful.

You also announced that you are playing your last tour.
De Angelo: Yes, I have. But I will not retire from the music business. I don't want to see those farewell numbers on TV from me. I would like to continue as long as I can, as long as my health allows. That's why I will continue to be on stage. I'm doing a resignation of resignation.

Their last album "Gesegnet und Ver cursed" reached gold status in 2021. How important are such figures or awards to you?
De Angelo: Of course it's important. Gold status is proof that you have been very successful. It took me a long time to reach this status. That's why I'm very proud of it.

In 2023 you will go on a major tour of Germany alone for the first time. How much are you looking forward to it?
De Angelo: I'm really looking forward to it because I've never managed to successfully complete a headlining tour before. We did one sometime in the 90's, but unfortunately we had to call it quits after only two shows. The record wasn't that successful back then either. This time I'm assuming a complete success. It's a highlight of my career. I belong on the stage. With my voice I have to go on tour and sing my songs live.

You suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). How are you doing with it at the moment?
De Angelo: I'm fine at the moment. It hasn't really evolved in six years. I know of cases where it has rapidly deteriorated. I was diagnosed at stage one, I'm still about there now. So I can't have done everything so wrong in terms of health or I just have good genes. I could be healthier, but I also want to have fun.

Do you therefore have to pay attention to something at your concerts or take certain precautions?
De Angelo: I will prepare well for my concerts. The important thing when you have COPD is that you don't just rattle off one song after the other. I don't jump around on stage either. But if I have a two minute breather after each song, I'm fine with it. You can also arrange everything in such a way that these breaks are not even noticeable. For example, you can play long intros. I don't think I will have any problems from my COPD.

"I always reckon with death," you said. How is this affecting your way of life?
De Angelo: We are born to die. We don't know when death will come. It can happen any second. That's why I try to enjoy every moment of my life. Of course I'm scared and I don't want to die either. But if you are afraid of death, then you cannot live or be happy. This fear ruins everything.

Will you also play "Out of Eden"? Can you still hear the song at all?
De Angelo: I will definitely sing "Jenseits von Eden". I mean, I can't leave the stage without the song. I love singing the track and the fans are happy. I usually don't have to do much. I only sing the first note, then the audience joins in. There was a time in the 80's when "Out of Eden" got on my nerves. But I was too young then and didn't appreciate this song yet. Today I can.

What should not be missing from your tour?
De Angelo: What I can't miss on tour? Definitely my partner Simone. She has to be there because I feel comfortable around her and she gives me security. She always looks out for me too. Simone is one of the few people I listen to.

Can you imagine getting married again?
De Angelo: Of course you can imagine that, but I've been married four times. I have a feeling there's a curse on it. From the first marriage two wonderful children were born. Unfortunately, this marriage broke up, probably because of me. But the other three times were unnecessary. Any marriage that ends in divorce is unnecessary. You can't say that when children are born. I have absolutely no regrets about my marriage to the mother of my children. But you can also be happy without a marriage certificate. Simone and I will also be together until the end.

What are your wishes and plans for the future?
De Angelo: I want to have plenty of time to do whatever I have in mind. I would like to see my children, Simone and my parents for a long time. I want time for all the people I love.


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"From Pilot to Pilot": Tom Cruise greets Charles III. from an airplane

"From pilot to pilot": Tom Cruise (60) greets King Charles III. (74) in proper style from an airplane. "Your Majesty, you can always be my wingman," says the Hollywood star, referring to his aviator film "Top Gun". Then he raises his hand in a military salute and takes off with the plane.

The video was shown at the coronation concert for the new king at Windsor Castle on Sunday. Cruise was at the controls of an old fighter jet, he was filmed from another plane. His jet is a P-51 Mustang that he owns. He flew it himself in Top Gun: Maverick.

King Charles has military aviation training
King Charles III completed military training from 1976. During his time in the Royal Navy he flew propeller and jet aircraft and piloted helicopters. So Cruise's pilot-to-pilot salute makes perfect sense. Incidentally, a wingman in the air force is a pilot who supports another pilot in the air.

The Hollywood star has had a second home in Great Britain for a few years, where he shoots the "Mission: Impossible" films. He is well connected with the royal family. For example, he invited Prince William (40) and Duchess Kate (41) to a private screening of "Top Gun: Maverick" in London before the official theatrical release.

Tom Cruise thanks above the clouds for MTV award
Incidentally, Tom Cruise used his excursion above the clouds to record another video: his message of thanks for the MTV Movie & TV Award. At the awards ceremony on Sunday, he won the award for Best Performance in a Motion Picture for his starring role in Top Gun: Maverick.

In the pre-recorded message, he thanks his fans for "the privilege of being able to entertain them." At the same time, he whets the appetite for his new film "Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning", which will be released in July. The MTV Award is enthroned behind him on the plane.


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